A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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You can also play a free demo here: Akeni Demo

Each copy sold becomes password protected LIVE by the developer to avoid piracy. 

* Available in English, Português and Español.

Akeni is a stand alone (no installation necessary) "16bit", late 80s inspired, "Coin-Operated", Arcade style,  pixel art, tile-based, shift screen + scrolling action, adventure platformer. Works as if a M.A.M.E. arcade emulator game.

Arcade resolution: 320x224
Synth chip audio and fx
Insert Coin
High Scores
Winners don't use drugs screen
Flashing game over just like the arcades!.
I drew, designed, developed, tested, translated the game to 2 other languages (Spanish and Portuguese, accessed through the game's menu) and composed the game's musical score, all by myself!
It all took me about 3 years to "complete". But I wish to be updating it every now and then! see list of improvements here: Akeni Updates 
Akeni is a 7 worlds game and 4 of them are big labyrinths, which one must search for the treasures hidden within in order to proceed to the next world.


Your main goal is to find the legendary "blue diamond " hid on the lost cave mountain by an ancient tribe. You'll also need to find the lost Ruby ring and the Golden Falcon statue, in order to gain the blessing of the Chief and marry "Akeena". You'll also earn points by collecting money bags, gold bars and precious gem stones!
Akeni is a run, climb and jump action adventure game. There is no shooting or killing, (great for young players).
Have fun jumping from high Cliffs, crawling under tight passageways, climbing cavern walls, trees and swinging on vines "Tarzan style". But watch out for the many animals within the island, such as: snakes, albino scorpions, bats, albino rat, electric eels, poisonous leaping frogs and new ones, such as the poisonous manta ray, porcupine, piranhas and jelly fishes! Their bites and stings will hurt, but you can heal your injuries by eating the miraculous healing fruits of the lush tropical forest!, such as oranges, pineapples, apples, bananas and tasty purple grapes!
You won't only find enemies in the game, but some animal friends which will help guard against attacks, guide you through the cliff maze and even escort you through the air to escape to a new level, Oh, there's a hot air balloon ride as well.
Each level can hold dangerous surprises, so be careful where you land your feet out there in the forest!

You're Akeni, who while visiting an indian tribe in the Amazon, has come to ask the Chief's daughter "Akeena" in marriage. It was a daring wish, all the tribe thought! And so the Chief decided to dare him in return with an adventurous challenge.
He said: Akeni, if you prove to me that you are a brave man for the love of my daughter, you shall have my blessing. Your challenge is: To bring the 3 giant treasures that are within the dangerous caves inside the great mountain near our land. Akeni accepted the challenge, but the tribe thought he was out of his mind, since the dangerous Lost Cave is the 7th of the treacherous levels he must traverse, including a huge ocean where Akeni must dive to the depths to find missing stones that will open paths for him to continue. And so you set out bravely to venture and conquer honor and happiness!


1-High Cliff
Find the ancient gold symbols to open the matching secret rocky passages to advance to the next level!
2-Great Valley
Cross this huge forested mountainous valley while collecting treasures to spice up that classic score!
3-Condor Mountain
Watch out for dangerous one hit, one kill, boulders that come tumbling down the mountain! who's doing this mischief? Save a baby condor that has fallen down a dangerous cave, while an albino scorpion and a hungry snake are waiting to prey on the little one, and make a loyal friend who will help you later.
Find a dynamite hidden inside the cavern in order to blow out the blocking passageways! 
Lastly, Take a huge leap, and fall to the great ocean of depths (the next level): The High Seas!
4-High Seas
This is probably the largest level ever designed for a video game like this. You will feel like you really are lost out in the sea. It may be the biggest sea in any 2D video game, lol. The sea is filled with serene life but some will pose danger. There is even a huge friend however, the Blue Whale, which can shield you from all surrounding predators. But the whale goes its own way! She is more interested in eating planctons :D
Swim all the way to the depths of the sea and meet rare creatures that use luminescence where there's no light! Worry not, for our familiar hero has unbelievable lung capacity!
Find 4 ancient golden symbol statues to open the matching secret passages, like in the first level, in order to progress and exit to the shores of a bright beautiful sunny beach!
5-Sandy Beach
Cross the beach while collecting treasures. Seems easy, but watch out for angry birds that swoop down from the sky at blazing speeds. On the sand are angry crabs and spiky sea urchins as well, but you can climb some trees to avoid their stings.
6-Paradise Jungle
Lush beautiful tropical forests and colorful animals abound. But unfortunately, we are on a mission and there isn't much time for sight seeing! There is a mad hungry Leopard up top this mountainous forest. You will need to find a stick, which is well hidden somewhere atop the jungle mountain, then hit the bee hive on the tree next to the Leopard so the bees can go after him to scare him off and you can then safely pass. After that, jump down below to find a mysterious waterfall. What' mystery does the waterfall hold?. Lastly, meet an old friend who will call her flying husband to help you escape the jungle by giving you an awesome air ride to the heights of the Lost Cave Mountain! whooo... such an adventure, huh? When the bird comes, jump on him or else you will loose the ride. If you do, just wait until he comes back. I suppose he does come back :D - don't fall off or you will be very frustrated! :D - Just let him ride you off.
7-Lost Caverns
Find a dynamite hidden inside the cavern in order to blow out the blocking passageways leading to 2 of the 3 great treasures!
Find the Golden Statue, The great Diamond and the Precious Ruby Ring, which are the treasures that the Indian tribe chief had asked you. Then take a balloon ride to the top of the mountain and wait for the condor to pick you up an give you an airlift right out of the mountain and into the Indian tribe, where the chief awaits with his promise!
Here many dangers abound! be careful at every screen! there will be great deep chasms, but don't we know that our native hero has the most amazing legs of steel? :) Good Luck on your journey!
Aloan Moreira
email: aloan.1@hotmail.com

PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, 2D, 8-Bit, Arcade, coin-op, mame, Pixel Art, Retro
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any)


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